I started with theoretical RC world maybe 20 years ago with planing of my fist Plane / Glider.
It takes few years of study and I made a list of parts including:
EasyGlider PRO, DX6i DSM2, Himax C3516-1130,37A and , 12×6 prop and servos and so one.
As it was my student times, I had not so much money for this hobby, so it stays only as part list and I newer buy any of those parts. But I subscribed to many RC forums and sucks plenty of information.
Than was some “deaf”period without any RC interest but 2 years ago I jump on the RC train again – practically. At the begining with toy Syma X5C, later with full pack of RC stuff with ZMR250 5″ drone / Radiolink transmitter, chargers and LiPo, fpv and all “true” RC stuff (and craziness continues with another 7″ long range…, 3″ cinewhoop, 1.5″ brushed and another 3″ freestyle and even with 1/12 FY03 car modified to RC brushles slow crawler.
But now I enter the plane world as well
I get XK A800 (what is quite good 4 channel toy glider) from banggood.com and this was my first flight.
you can buy it here with some cents to support me:
Only one battery to flight (around 7min) but It was very exiting and after few hits of the ground I also managed quite nice and soft landing 🙂
Til now it is as it is from the box, without any mod, but later I would like to add brushless motor/ESC, mini 20×20 flight controller with INAV, GPS, TBS crossfire RX and of course fpv setup. lets see later 🙂
I already did some weight calculation and it not looks so bad (around 120 grams original setup versus 135g brushless fpv mod), as original motor is quite heavy and also I can get lighter servos. Fpv components are quite tiny.
According Franklydude measurement original motor and prop thrust is around 50g, 1306 brushless motor is only half weight and should get around 150g thurst with 2S lipo/ 3″ prop.
this is my weight comparison table and possible components list:

BTW – I also made first damage (but its already glued back):