Wizz’s ZMR250SS (slim/short) mod
This is my first build and my second quad (I started with toy SYMA X5C) and Im still in a “begginer” level. My goal was to build universal freestile quad …
FPV world by WizzX
This is my first build and my second quad (I started with toy SYMA X5C) and Im still in a “begginer” level. My goal was to build universal freestile quad …
As described in first part of the post (This is second part of post and in the first one, there was the description of extended range mod) I would like …
As I fly LOS (line of sight) for around half year and seen some youtube videos with nice FPV (firts person view) by Mr Stele, Le Drib, Ummagawd and so …
As flying starts to be more fun i started to destroy more and more motors (burned coil or damaged motor wheel) as first I bought (till now) 2 package of …
Welcome to my page, this is my first post:) My drone story started 28.11.2017 when I ordered toy drone – SYMA X5C for my nephew as a Christmas present. Of …